Collis Ta’eed |
 | | Collis’ Websites
Envato – http://www.envato.com
TutsPlus – http://tutsplus.com
About Collis Ta’eed
Collis Ta’eed is the founder / creator of the company Envato (formally Eden).
Collis first came across Photoshop at university, and realized this is what he wanted to do. Since then he has built up the Envato network to one of the
biggest creative communities online to date.
Envato has many sites within its network, including tutorial sites, design blogs,
web galleries and creative marketplaces such as flashden and audiojungle. |
Vitaly Friedman |
 | | Vitaly’s Websites
Smashing Magazine – http://www.smashingmagazine.com
About Vitaly Friedman
Vitaly is one of the founders of the popular smashingmagazine.com. Smashing magazine is an extremly popular web design blog, which has over 130,000 RSS Subscribers and is hosted on 7 servers.
The Design compilations that vitaly puts together on smashing magazine and simply amazing. Smashing Magazine is one of the most talked about blogs online to date. Well done Vitaly! |
Matt Mickiewicz |
 | | Matt’s Websites
Sitepoint – http://www.sitepoint.com
About Matt Mickiewicz
Matt is the founder and creator of sitepoint. Sitepoint is the largest website
online for web designers and developers. It ranks under the top 1000 websites online to date.
Sitepoint has a very popular forum and marketplace, plus they also publish
books and host design contests.
Nick La |
 | | Nick’s Websites
N.Design Studio – http://www.ndesign-studio.com
Best Web Gallery – http://bestwebgallery.com
Web Designer Wall – http://www.webdesignerwall.com
Icon Dock – http://icondock.com
About Nick La
Nick La is a freelancer specializing in illustration and web design. Nick is
based in Toronto, Canada. His main focuses are designing stock icons, beautiful css websites and illustrations.
Nicks work has been featured all across the internet on various blogs and web galleries. |
David Leggett |
 | | David’s Websites
Tutorial9 – http://www.tutorial9.net
UxBooth – http://www.uxbooth.com
The Leggett – http://www.theleggett.com
About David Leggett
David designed his first website when he was only ten years old. Since then
he has created an amazing web design blog called tutorial9, in which he teaches people about photoshop and design.
UxBoot is another one of his websites that offeres website reviews, and free web resources to all its readers. |
Jacob Gube |
 | | Jacob’s Websites
Six Revisions – http://sixrevisions.com
Twitter – http://twitter.com/SixRevisions
About Jacob Gube
Jacob is the founder is Six Revisions, one of the most popular web design and development blogs on the internet. The content that is published on six revisions
is simply amazing, and provides extremly useful information to web designers
and developers worldwide.
Jakob Nielsen |
 | | Jakob’s Websites
UseIt – http://www.useit.com
HappyWebbies – http://www.happywebbies.com/store/detail/jakob-nielsen/
About Jakob Nielsen
Jakob has his own websites over at useit.com. Jakob has many different names, such as “The king of usability”, and “The smartest person on the web”.
Jeffrey Zeldman |
 | | Jeffrey’s Websites
Happy Cog – http://www.happycog.com/about/zeldman/
Jeffrey Zeldman – http://www.zeldman.com
Twitter – http://twitter.com/zeldman
About Jeffrey Zeldman
Jeffrey Zeldman is a writer / author, and designer. His personal
blog zeldman.com has been around since 1995 (14 years!), and is one of the oldest published blogs on the internet.
Jeffrey Zeldman has been involves in many projects including the
Web Standards Project, and A List Apart.
David Airey |
 | | David’s WebsitesDavid Airey – http://www.davidairey.com
LogoDesignLove – http://www.logodesignlove.com
About David Airey
David is a graphic designer living in northan ireland. He specializes in logo
design and brand identity. His blog has around 14,000 RSS Subscribers, and his portfolio is also hosted on davidairey.com.
Another one of Davids projects includes Logodesignlove.com, which also has
over 13,000 RSS Subscribers. His work is featured in many web galleries and blogs. |
Fabio Sasso |
 | | Fabio’s Websites
Abduzeedo – http://abduzeedo.com
Fabio Sasso – http://fabiosasso.com
Zee – http://zee.com.br
Twitter – http://twitter.com/abduzeedo
About Fabio Sasso
Fabio has his own personal website in which he features many of his personal designs. Abduzeedo is Fabio’s design blogs in which he has some amazing content.
Fabio also ownes his own web design company called Zee, which you can find atzee.com.br. |
Veerle Pieters |
 | | Veerle’s Websites
Veerle’s Blog – http://veerle.duoh.comDuoh! – http://www.duoh.com
About Veerle Pieters
Veerle began her career in 1992, when she became a freelance designer under
the name of Duoh! She founded the name duoh.com in 2000.
Veerles design blog has been around for many years. Her design work is very inspirational, and every piece is 10/10 for quality. |
Jacob Cass |
 | | Jacob’s Websites
Just Creative Design – http://justcreativedesign.com
Twitter – http://twitter.com/justcreative
About Jacob Cass
Jacob has his blog and portfolio at the same domain name. He is the founder of Just Creative Design, and is currently 21 years old.
Jacob is a very talented indervidual in the design niche. You just have to look
at his portfolio to see it. He does an array of different design work that includes
web design, logo design, print and much more. |
Adelle Charles |
 | | Adelle’s Websites
Fuel Your Creativity – http://www.fuelyourcreativity.com
Fuel Brand Group – http://fuelbrandgroup.com
Adelle Charles – http://adellecharles.com
About Adelle Charles
Adelle is the creative director for the Fuel Brand Group. She is responsible for
all the creative design around all the fuel brand sites. She is also an Art Director and a designer for a TV Station.
She also has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design from Rochester Institute of Technology.
Adii Rockstar |
 | | Adii’s Websites
Adii – http://adii.co.za
Radiiate – http://radiiate.com
WooThemes – http://www.woothemes.com
Twitter – http://twitter.com/adii
About Adii Rockstar
Adii Rockstar formally knows as Adriaan Pienaa is a successfull internet entrepenur. Adii has his own personal blog, and is the founder of woothemes,
and Radiiate Web Solutions. |
Nick Finck |
 | | Nick’s Websites
Nick Finck – http://nickfinck.com
Twitter – http://twitter.com/nickf
Flickr – http://www.flickr.com/photos/digitalweb/-
About Nick Finck
Nick Finck is a speaker and community cultivator. He has created web
experiences for fortune 50 and 500 companies. These companies include
Adobe, IBM, HP, Microsoft and many others.
Dennis Hwang |
 | | Featured In
Google Blog – http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2004/06/oodles-of-doodles.html
Guardian Online –http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2008/sep/05/google.doodle
About Dennis Hwang
Dennis is the official Google Doodlist. He has created over 150 doodles for
Google. His name is not well known, but his work has been seen by billions of people on the Google homepage. He creates new doodles for Google when
there are events happening, such as easter, Googles Birthday, Halloween,
Start of summer, etc. |
Derek Herman |
 | | Derek’s Websites
Valen Designs – http://valendesigns.comTwitter – http://twitter.com/valendesigns
About Derek Herman
Derek is the founder of Valen Designs. Valen specializes in Web Design,
Search Engine Optimization, Branding and Application Development. Derek has worked on many websites, including sites within the Envato network. |
Mike Kus |
 | | Mike’s Websites
Carsonified – http://www.carsonified.com/about-us
The Things We Make – http://www.thethingswemake.co.uk
About Mike Kus
Mike is the senior designer for Carsonified. He joined in May 2008, and has
been in design for many years before. Mike is a very creative designer, and he works wonders for Carsonified.
He also has a personal site over at thethingswemake.co.uk, which includes his flickr photo stream, and his portfolio. |
Bill Beachy |
 | | Bill’s Websites
Go Media – http://v5.gomedia.us/about/bill.php
Twitter – http://twitter.com/william_beachy
About Bill Beachy
Bill is the president of Go Media. It took several years before he could start to hire other people to work for his company, but now it has a vast number of employees.
Go Media was originally called Graphic Odysseys, until it merged with Next Level Multimedia in 2003. |
Rob Palmer |
 | | Rob’s Websites
Branded07 – http://www.branded07.com
About Rob Palmer
Rob is 25 years old and a graphic designer based in newcastle upon tyne, UK.
He is skilld in almost every Adobe package, and knows many programming languages.
He uses Branded07 to post tutorials, write about his personal life and host his portfolio. |
Cameron Moll |
 | | Cameron’s Websites
Cameron Moll – http://cameronmoll.com
Authentic Jobs – http://authenticjobs.com
About Cameron Moll
Cameron Moll is an inspirational web designer. His code is clean, and he is
one of the most balanced designers. Many companies have recognizes
Camerons work.
Cameron has a personal site in which he hosts a shop, his blog and his design portfolio. He also has a job board named “Authentic Jobs”.
Jason Santa Maria |
 | | Jason’s Websites
Jason Santa Maria – http://jasonsantamaria.com
An Event Apart – http://aneventapart.com/speakers/jasonsantamaria/
Twitter – http://twitter.com/jasonsantamaria
About Jason Santa Maria
Jason is a graphic designer that currently lives in Brooklyn. On his personal
site he hosts his portfolio and also writes about Technology, Business and the Web.
Paul Boag |
 | | Paul’s Websites
BoagWorld – http://boagworld.com
HeadScape – http://headscape.co.uk/people/boag.html
About Paul Boag
Paul hosts the podcast BoagWorld, along with Marcus Lillington. Paul and
Marcus had already worked together for years, creating the web design company HeadScape.
BoagWorld is the longest running, and most popular web design podcast on the internet.
Andrew Maier |
 | | Andrew’s Websites
Designer Andrew – http://www.designerandrew.com
UxBooth – http://www.uxbooth.com/author/andrewmaier/Twitter – http://twitter.com/andrewmaier
About Andrew Maier
Andrew is a web / graphic design freelancer. He is currentl living in Atlanta, GA.
He writes frequent articles for uxbooth.com. His intrests are in web standards, usability, and human-computer interaction. |
Jeff Croft |
 | | Jeff’s Websites
Jeff Croft – http://jeffcroft.com
BlueFlavor – http://blueflavor.com
About Jeff Croft
Jeff has been working online for a good 12 years. He works for a design company called blueflavor, but he also does his own bit of freelancing on the side, through his personal website jeffcroft.com.
Jeff hosts all his favorite links, photos and his portfolio and blog on his personal website. |
Dave Shea |
 | | Dave’s Websites
Bright Creative – http://www.brightcreative.com
Zen Garden – http://www.csszengarden.com
MezzoBlue – http://mezzoblue.com
About Dave Shea
Dave ownes a one man design studio, named Bright Creative. He has a very uplifting portfolio and loves icon design.
He has many projects including Zen Garden, and his own personal web blog
over at mezzoblue.com.
Dan Cederholm |
 | | Dan’s Websites
SimpleBits – http://simplebits.com
IconShoppe – http://www.iconshoppe.com
Hand Crafted CSS – http://handcraftedcss.com
Own Someone A Drink? – http://foamee.com
About Dan Cederholm
Dan is the founder of simplebits, a web design studio. He also has many other projects he has worked on, such as iconshoppe and foamee. Dan has wrote his own book alongside Ethan Marcotte, called “HandCrafted CSS”. |
Dan Richard |
 | | Dan’s Websites
Pixel2Life – http://www.pixel2life.com
Dan Richard – http://www.danrichard.com
About Dan Richard
Dan is the founder of pixel2life.com, the biggest tutorial index on the planet. Pixel2life has tutorials in over 80 different categories! It allows people to submit tutorials to its large and ever growing index.
Dan also ownes his own personal blog over at danrichard.com in which he blogs about tutorials, design work and much more. |
Daniel Mall |
 | | Daniel’s Websites
Daniel Mall – http://danielmall.com
HappyCog – http://www.happycog.com/about/mall/
About Daniel Mall
Dan is a interactive designer, living in Philadelphia. He specializes in Flash, XHTML, CSS and Typography.
Daniel also works for Happy Cog Studios. He created beautiful websites, and publishes his best ideas to a worldwide community.
Andy Clarke |
 | | Andy’s Websites
Stuff And Nonsense – http://www.stuffandnonsense.co.uk
For A Beautiful Web – http://www.forabeautifulweb.com
About Andy Clarke
Andy has been working online for around 10 years. He moved to Wales to escape busy London. He has his own web design business called stuff and nonsense.
Andy also has a blog that teaches people web development, and hosts training workshops. You can catch this over at forabeautifulweb.com. |